Monday, 27 October 2008

Assignment 2: Abstraction

For assignment 2, we were supposed to select an object or activity or location. Then, create a representative image of the object. Distill the image of the object through a process of abstraction.

For Classroom activity 1, we were supposed to do the same thing but in pairs. My partner and I decided to do an abstraction on a laptop. It was done in class, but due to certain circumstances, you will need to wait for a while before I will upload it here. So please do be patient with me...thanks.

The following is my chosen image of an object as after consideration, I decided to choose a cup of hot coffee as my object. This is because I feel that everyone will be scrambling to do abstraction on computers, and stuff around us, and being a food lover myself, i decided to approach this assignment from a different angle, and the image of NUS Arts Canteen (THE DECK) the coffee stall just struck me in my mind. So, I decide to do an abstraction for the drink stall board with a cup of coffee.

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